Accounting and Manufacture Automation Processes

Accounting and Manufacture Automation Processes

The Challenge:

Automate accounting and production processes for a manufacturing company.

  • The client was a manufacturing company looking to automate processes attached to their production operations, such as, task order classification and approval, purchase orders and accounting data processing.
  • Coordinate the processes and their logical order to ensure that the results would be on time for production planning.
  • Integrate multiple custom tools that the company uses to consolidate information regarding work orders, inventory, F&A, procurement and production costs.

The Engagement:

Build robots that would automate processes, coordinated in a specific schedule to save time and costs.

  • It was a fixed bid, 7-month project, with the support of certified resources in Softomotive architecture and development.
  • Automated 14 processes that included extracting data, creating new reports, sending information through email accounts, printing work orders, and updating data in all repositories or platforms.
  • Analyzed and processed information to distribute it in a way that facilitates the production planning and creates reliable information delivered on time.
  • Automated the data transfer between departments eliminating dependencies on human availability.
  • Provided access to the robots for the different applications and an email accounts to send the reports.
  • Setup a testing environment with a copy of all the applications used by the company to perform accurate and secure testing.

The Benefit:

    Reduced operational costs, resources time and human errors in the production line.

    • Save time of process owners between 8 to 25 hours a week, depending on the process.
    • Removed risk of human error in data handling.
    • Automated communication and report creation allowing the departments to eliminate bottle necks.
    • Precise coordination with providers on delivery dates and purchase orders.

    Key Technologies:


    Microsoft SQL Server 2012

    Microsoft Office

    Data Feeds / Integrations:

    Custom applications (Saas)

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